The Politics Of Jim Day


& Welcome to MY Blog...
"The Politics Of Jim Day"
YES- This is the site...
that revealed a little too much truth 24 years ago...

It pertains to my relationship with-

Political Cartoonist Jim Day...

aka the "Lying Bastard"

This IS the same site that was drug through the courts... & The Media.

The 23rd Anniversary of that arrest took place on November 13th 2024*

Yes... November 13th 2001... Was A Long Time Ago!  

Time has revealed many things- mainly- the truth behind my arrest.

After making a gazillion copies & obtaining the Copyright from the Library Of Congress...

I've taken down the original layout....
and replaced it with the "Aftermath" of my ordeal.

For the Record- Let me state-
There is NO "Gag Order" in Effect.


My Arrest took place on November 13th 2001....

My Bail was $200,000...

It was quite the battle but....

I got my computer priveledges back on March 23rd 2007- after spending 6 months in jail & being sentenced to 5 years probation- for revealing that- Jim Day- the political cartoonist for the -"Las Vegas Review Journal" - is a married man who intentionally deceived me for sex- over the course of 7 years- with the knowledge & permission of his wife - Susan Day (Tetlow) -

On Dec 22nd 2021 Jim & Susan sold their house in Las Vegas in hopes to run from their past & they moved back to Shawnee Kansas.

 May they live Happily Ever After...

Hopefully- I'm their last victim...

but- I seriously f**king doubt it-

They have ve$ted intere$t...

& prefer to keep their skeletons in the closet.

(Basically another Bill and Hillary Clinton)







Originally- this website (diary/blog) was created by me- solely- to demand a public apology from Mr. & Mrs. Jim Day after being evicted from my apt in Las Vegas, Nevada in 1999 - due to "Domestic Violence"- when Mrs. Day showed up drunk and shouting obscenities- The police came- & the next morning- I was served with an eviction notice- 3 day's later- I loaded up the "U-Haul" (which Jim was kind enough to pay for) & then....

I moved to Simi Valley, California- roughly 2 weeks later- I set up this website- with the demand for a public apology from Jim Day for his intentional infliction of emotional distress & for the loss of my apt which was a direct result of his deceit in order to gain sex from me for 7 years... I displayed proof that Jim Day was leading a double life & included 7 years of pictures of that proof... after this website was in existence for 6 months- I was arrested and charged with Extortion-(demanding an apology & refusing to take down the site until I got one), Stalking-(lots of people logged on to this site because I advertised it via postcards) & Witness Intimidation-(I said- "if you don't tell the truth- I will")...

Sadly... The D.A. & The Courts can paint the picture anyway they want... & they usually do.... especially when it's in their best intere$t.... too!

It's obvious to everyone who knows me and this situation- that - had Mr. Jim Day, delivered the paper instead of being "featured" in it- and/or just apologized publicly- for his intentional deceit- I would've been allowed to move into another apt...- & this nightmare never would have ensued...

On the bright side- I'm certain NO married man will EVER try to bed me again - words out...

I got a big mouth! :-D

For the record- I was NEVER a danger to anyone...(I was 300 miles away from the so-called victims)- I NEVER threatened anyone- & unlike "womansavers"- a site that hit the cyberworld 1 year after my arrest- which is legally allowed to embarrass 1000's of men... I only embarrassed ONE man- A man who has "Friends" in high places...

(I also approached Gloria Allred about suing on my behalf & she stated "you can't sue for an apology" - gee- I guess Tiger Woods changed the law on that one)

The so-called victim made one phone call- & was told- he needed to claim "he was in fear for his life" in order for this to fly in a courtroom... Soooo- he did- & I was arrested dropping my son off @ school.... (Note the police report to the right, which clearly reveals lack of any threats)

I was told by my public defender- that due to the fact "no one has EVER been prosecuted for this- that it would take Two years before we would go to trial... And Had I stolen something... she would know what to do ... Had I been arrested for drugs or a DUI... she would know what to do.... Had I committed Arson... She would know what to do.... But- hey- if you plead "Guilty"now... the Judge will let you out." Well- At that point- I had already been in jail for 6 months- Soooooooo- yep....

I plead "Guilty" in order to regain my freedom and be reunited with my children. - Instantly I'm no longer considered a "Danger"- The news called me a "Cyberstalker" - The newspapers said I was the 1st person ever to be arrested... for demanding an apology via the Internet.


Here it is 2025 & to date- I am still the ONLY person!...

& I suspect I will always be the ONLY person.

Technically- I'm a convicted Felon for embarrassing a man... A man whose own job.... is to embarrass people and draw attention to the shortcomings of others... A member of the press. (He stated to me that... - He has "Press Privledges" ... & I don't)

Well gee....

Ironically- It's NOT "Illegal" for me to tell everyone WHY I went to Jail. -

The Simi Valley police (Detective David Del Marco) said it wasn't illegal for the married man to lie to me for 7 years in order to obtain sex... but it was "Illegal" for me to tell the truth and embarrass the Days!- (When did it become illegal to tell the truth???  "FELONY EMBARRASSMENT"??? )

The Simi Valley Police went to my house (17 officers) and seized EVERY picture of my life-... (including the ones of me as a baby, the pics of my children - etc- which I now have posted on ALL my websites) during the seizure- they dumped the ashes of my dad all over the ground and confiscated my grandmothers ashes! - They took my computer- my roommates computer and completely destroyed the house- afterwards they went to my place of employment- & confiscated all of their computers!!!! - The PD then wiped all the hard drives- fortunately- before that happened- I had already made over 100 copies of EVERYTHING & mailed it to various friends for safekeeping.

My arrest was a complete sham- as a defendent- I was never allowed to speak- (except to say "Guilty") Fortunately- after my release from Jail- I obtained a great lawyer- (He is A true gift from God!!) He sued Ventura County for the return of my seized property under the 1st Amendment- and it was saved from destruction...


To the dismay of Mr. Day- the originals were then put in a safe deposit box- to prevent any future mishaps inspired by Jim... or his "friends".

The 100's of love letters that were given to me- along with the sexually explicit pictures of our 7 years together- (HE photographed us- yet- I'm the one who went to jail!!) including- the erotic cartoons drawn of me & for me- compliments of- Mr. Jim Day- are indeed MY personal property- soooo-

If- I choose to sell any of them on E-Bay- I can... OR- If- I want to publish them in a book.... I can... OR - If- I choose to once again display them here... I can... Regardless- of how I choose to distribute- it's NOT Illegal for me to sell OR display any of MY personal property :-) <3

To learn more about my ordeal go to "Google" or "Yahoo" search engine & type in exactly as you see here: (OR just copy and paste)

"Robin Kelly" "Ruby Tuesday" "Jim Day"

(be sure to use the Quotation marks so you grab only the stories pertaining to my situation).

When you read the articles- Keep in mind- the press works for the press!

In Essence- The California taxpayer's-(myself included) ended up paying severely- to cover up the indiscretions of a married man who works for the press in Nevada!

My court mandated "Anger Management" counselor stated- She had never had anyone who was forced to go to "Anger Management" simply for embarrassing someone...

My Probation Officer stated- "He had "Child Molesters" who received a lesser sentence than I did!

YES- Your Honor... I learned my lesson- NEVER plead "Guilty"- particularly when your arrest is a total scam...

More importantly... 
"I promise I will never embarrass a man again... by demanding a public apology- No matter how much he screws me over with deceit! -


My Son Visiting Me...



A good friend of mine kept telling me that-

"It might take 10 years... but- know that Karma will take place... and- even if you don't have the good fortune to see it transpire- you will hear about it..."

Well... as fate would have it... on the 9th anniversary of my pleading "Guilty" ...

This article caught my eye.

Jim Day escorted out of Las Vegas Review-Journal

Posted by Alan Gardner
February 28, 2011
Jim Day, the editorial cartoonist for the Las Vegas Review-Journal reports that he was laid off last week and “asked to leave the building that day and told I would not be allowed to return.”
Jim started his career with the Review-Journal in 1981 as newsroom graphics editor; in 1991 he accepted the job of full time editorial cartoonist. Before moving to Las Vegas he worked as a newsroom illustrator for the (Norfolk) Virginian-Pilot and was also the editorial cartoonist for the St. Joseph (Mo.) News-Press.
The Review-Journal continues to run his cartoon gallery on the paper’s website and with exception of a small blurp about five newsroom employees being laid off has not published any notice of the end of his 30-year career there. Most of his work as editorial cartoonist for the past 20 years focused on state and local issues.
At age 61 Jim has no immediate plans other than to continue publish through
Step Aside... Mr. Jim Day...
Drop Your Pants... Grab your Cock...
Sit Back...
& Watch Me While I Do The
*Happy Dance*
Yep!  You Were Right...
The Wheels Of Justice Turn Slowly...



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Bye 4 Now...

COPYRIGHT © 2001-2025 The Politics Of Jim Day

Jim Day @ The Las Vegas Review Journal 


1994 Jim was my "Hair Model" for the State Board Exam In Reno...



Jim Day 1995 


Our "Selfie" By The Pool... 


1998 My Ass Was His *Muse*...


Jim's B-day... in April 1998







A Few Headlines... 



I placed this in the paper after my release from Jail on 4-1-2002


I Sued Ventura County For Legal Mal-Practice... 


10 Years After...
The Politics Of Jim Day...

Our Last Picture Together... 2000 



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